Getting to grips with holding the dice like an expert

If you are partial to throwing the dice at the craps table when you visit a casino, you may or may not realise that there are actually three factors in controlling the dice effectively; setting, gripping and then throwing. By following the tips mentioned here you will be able to grip the dice correctly after setting them, and thus ensuring that your throw is a lot more accurate.

You should start to prepare you gripping procedure from the moment the stickman starts to push the dice in your direction. In order that you can produce the desired result, you have to grip the dice in a certain way that ensure they both leave your hands correctly and stay together when thrown.  The first step is looking at the dice to see which numbers are facing upwards. Then visualise what you have to do to the dice to turn them into the position you want them.

If you are following a rule of the pros and tipping the dealer, you can ask then to give them as ‘all sixes’ one of the easiest positions to manipulate. All sixes is exactly how it sounds; both dice have a 6 facing up, the 1 will be on the bottom, and the combinations of 4/3 or 2./5 will be on the sides.

You should buy a pair of regulation size dice and practice with them when at home, this allows you to speed up the setting after the stick man returns them and avoid holding up the game by fumbling about. Many boxmen will complain if you take too long over your setting and the last thing you want is to alienate the dealers.

When the current shooter hits the sevens, watch what the stickman does. He returns the dice to the bowl then chooses 5 dice and pushes them in your direction. If you are looking for a hard way set, look for the dice with a 2, a 4 or a 6 facing up, enabling you to set them quicker. Once you have established a point however you will have the same dice returned every time, and have to set them even faster.

The easiest method to set dice quickly is very simple; just remember that the opposite sides always add up to 7. Also remember that it all has to be done with one hand, and if your other one comes anywhere near the dice you will suffer the wrath of the boxman who has the power to take the dice off you if he suspects they have been touched by both hands.

Once flipped, you have to make sure they will travel together on parallel paths. The only way to do this is to ensure that your finger pressure is equal, something that comes with practice, and should be tried out as much as possible at home. When you have mastered the gripping, setting and throwing you can take your place on that table, and become a player instead of the spectator.